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2013 Kongres XII

English version

Krakow, 26th & 27th September 2013

Challenges facing Internal Control and Internal Audit in the 21st Century

Honorary Patronage Mr. Jerzy Miller of Governor of Malopolska

The financial calamities in Europe and around the world continue unabated. The Eurozone struggles for survival and economic crime continues to rise. In this 12th year of the International Congress in Krakow we have stretched the boundaries in the search for professionalism, protection, competence and superiority in internal control, internal auditing, risk management, corporate governance and compliance, anti-fraud and anti-corruption techniques.

This year’s Congress will:

  • Examine Internal Controls, Internal Audit, Governance and Compliance as tools for identifying and preventing Fraud and Corruption
  • Examine the relationship between internal controls, auditing and anti-fraud issues on the one hand, and risk management, governance and compliance requirements on the other
  • Feature the latest corporate governance requirements, in particular those relating to compliance and enterprise risk management
  • Encourages closer co-operation between the professions bringing each country’s standards into harmony with those of the European Union and international best practices
  • The Congress is a fortification of knowledge and experience in critical activities of our areas of interest and is a ‘must attend’ event for Polish and international professionals involved with these issues.

The Congress is a fortification of knowledge and experience in critical activities of our areas of interest and is a ‘must attend’ event for Polish and international professionals involved with these issues.

The Principal Speakers

Speakers from Poland and other countries, who are recognised experts in their field, will share their experiences and knowledge, inter alia:

Dr. Dimiter Dinev, Founder and President ACEF, Bulgaria.

Darren Hodder - Director– Fraud Consulting Ltd,United Kingdom.

Norman Katz – Katzscan Inc. Certification in Corporate Governance, Florida Private Investigator USA.

Roland Mechler – Director of Operations, NEXSYS Financial Inc. - Canada.

Dr Simon Peck - Head of Investigations and Medical Advice, Axa PPP, former Chair Health Insurance Counter-Fraud Group, United Kingdom.

Ian Ross – President of the UK and Ireland Chapter, Director of Operations, ANA Global Forensics - Muscat, Oman. Institute of Internal Auditors, Oman (Chapter member) Associate Lecturer to the Kuwait Investment Authority, United Arab Emirates.

Audrius Sapola- Head of security department AB SEB bankas, Lithuani.

Marcel Scholte - Internal audit and internal control expert at In Control Services The Netherlands, Holand.

Marian Skoda - Head of Risk management, Control and Internal Audit Stredoslovenská Energetika,a.s. Zilina, Slovakia.

Rodan Svoboda - Certified Internal Controls Auditor, Consulatnt & Trainer - Eurodan, s.r.o - CzechRepublic.

Fabio Tortora – President OURNEXT. Former President ACFE Italy Chapter. President IIC Italy.

From Poland:

Leszek Taterka - Compliance Manager, Bank BZ WBK SA.

Janusz Czauderna - Auditor and Lecturer, Specialist in local authority IT services.

Elżbieta Garczarek - Head of Internal Control at Kalisz Municipality.

Dariusz Gromadka - biegły sądowy - informatyka śledcza i telekomunikacja, biegły skarbowy, audytor wewnętrzny.

Małgorzata Humel-Maciewiczak - Doradca Techniczny Departament Administracji Publicznej NIK.

Anna Karwot - Szef Zespołu Audytu Wewnętrznego w Opolskim Urzędzie Wojewódzkim.

Konrad Knedler – President IIA Polska.

Jakub Kraszkiewicz - Senior Manager - Ernst & Young.

Ewa Maszer, Mariola Wołoszyn - Praktycy, eksperci organów ścigania z kilkunastoletnim doświadczeniem operacyjnym.

Illona Pałka – Szef Zespołu Audytu Wewnętrznego w Małopolskim Urzędzie Wojewódzkim.

Arkadiusz Pieniący – Bank BGK, Former President IIA Poland.

Mikołaj Rappé-Niemirski - Bank BGŻ, Trener-Praktyk w zakresie Audytu, Compliance oraz Corporate Governance.

Who should attend?

If you are a professional involved in any of the critical professions listed below, this is a ‘must attend’ event:

  • Internal and External Auditors (accountants) and controllers.
  • Risk Management, Compliance and Corporate Governance officials.
  • Professionals with international organisations such as; TheIIC, IIA, ISACA, ACFE, ACCA, e.g.: CICA’s, CCS’, CIA’s. CISA’s, CFE’s etc.
  • Members of Management and Supervisory Boards.
  • Members of Audit Committees
  • Officers responsible for quality assurance in respect of Internal Audit
  • Officials of External and a State Regulatory Authorities
  • Officers responsible for implementing and/or monitoring Internal Controls
  • Public Procurement Officials, Purchasing & Supply Chain Managers and Procurement Controllers

The Congress is recognized as training by the Institute for Internal Controls - TheIIC and is allocated 12 credits. Please note, that the CPE credits earned through the TheIIC are NASBA (National Association of State Boards of Accountancy) approved. So, any other organisations who are NASBA members (e.g. IIA, ISACA, ACFE, ACCA) will accept these credits.

The Venue:

The Congress is the prestigious Krakow University (Akademia Krakowska im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego), ul. G. Herlinga-Grudzińskiego 1, 30-705 Krakow


Special Events:

Euro-IIC 2013

A meeting of Members and Chapter Leaders of The Institute for Internal Controls (TheIIC) will take place at the end of the first day of the Congress. Entry to the meeting is free of charge and non-members are welcome.